Monday, November 29, 2010


Next it was off to Orlando to see my childhood best friend Kyle and her family. I hadn't seen her in a few years and she was definitely owed this trip.  I was only going to be there a day and a half, but she did not disappoint. We went on an abbreviated tour of the city as we caught up and reminisced about old times. 

Welcome to my Home! Discovering a Planned Community

First Kyle wanted to take me to the spot where she and her family had just bought a brand new home.  When we got to the neighborhood I saw a tractor trailer and a little sign that said "Purchased", but not one stitch of home. It seems that when Kyle told me she had bought a home in a planned community, the term "planned community" got lost in translation in this city girl's mind.  Ok, so let's back up. Basically there are acres of land where   

I couldn't help put feel that it was reminiscent of early settlers who came to stake claim in the blossoming cities of early America. I looked out at the vast land and imagined that in a few years there would be other houses there, other families. 
The site where Kyle's home will be built

Location where several other homes will be built

Planned Community Street with plots for purchase

My buddy next to her lot. In the back they are building her neighbor's home!

Southern Love Bug

Having spent many of my childhood summers staying with relatives in parts of the rural South, I am no stranger to the crazy array of bugs that southern wilderness has to offer, palmetto bugs, chiggers, gnats, yellows jackets, earwigs. But on this trip to Orlando, I became acquainted with a very passionate species of insect who just can't seem to live without being in a relationship--The Love Bug.  I kept seeing these peculiar pairs of flies zooming around, glommed onto each other. I was confused. Were they stuck? In some sort of in-flight combat? Kyle informed me that I had arrived at the height of 'Love Bug" season. These little creatures also known as the honeymoon fly, kissingbug or double-headedbug, pair up at the start of the season, mate and then stay connected to one another for the duration of their short lives. They just fly everywhere attached literally at their rear ends.  But, as cute and romantic a species as they may seem to be, they quickly become  a nuisance for the folks in the South. They little drop like flies when they die…in swarms…on your steps, in the street, on your car!  The problem comes in when their acidic entrails begin to decay on your car getting stuck there like crazy glue within only hours. Their acidic bodies starts to etch away at the paint, destroying the finish. Business in Florida make money it seems trying to combat this problem. 

Love Bugs

Universal Studios

I didn't think I had enough time to go to any of the amusement parks, but you'd be surprised what can happen when a little focus and determination is involved. It had literally not been to Disney or Universal Studios since a youngster almost two decades ago. When I saw all those colors, rides and lights…I felt just like a kid again!

15 Minutes of Fame

As soon as we entered the park, we were greeting by the Universal Studios Promotions Department who noticed our shining exuberance and and asked us if we would became the new spokespeople for their advertising campaign! Ok, alright….maybe I am exaggerating just a little. But Kyle and I did get our 15 minutes of fame. It seems that TodayFM in Ireland was filming some promotional radio spots and asked it we would lend our voices.  Basically we had to recording into a microphone in our most cheerful voices "Hi! This is Kelynn and I'm at Universal Studios in Orlando Studios. When I wake up in the morning I like to listen to Sheryl Crow's All I Wanna Do is Have Some Fun. So Wake Up Ireland and get out there and face the day!!!"  This was so incredibly corny, but yet so much fun! It was also nice to know that somewhere in Ireland someone woke up to our good old chipper American voices. :-)

Kyle gets interviewed by the TodayFM folks for the radio spot in Ireland

So Much To Do, So Little Time
With such a short visit I didn't have time to hit all of the spots that I would have like to. I made a list of the places I would love to return to when I pay my BFF another visit. Most of it revolves around food…which is what Kyle and I seem to do best when we get together. 

Seasons 52

From what Kyle told me Seasons 52 is an incredible restaurant that changes its menu almost every week. I guess the name would be indicative of that since their are 52 weeks in the year. 

McDonald's Bistro

I love McDonald's…..McHmmmm.  Yeah, yeah, I know that That Supersize Me guy is The crisp golden fries.  Finally a  McDonalds where I DON'T know what's on the menu. Crepes for breakfast, Eggs Benedict, Belgian Waffles for

You might say it's just another McDonald's 

Love is a plant- prune it, water it sunlight leave it alone

Photos again

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